Organic Farming Pioneers from Biohof Stadler
The Stadler family - organic farming pioneers from the very beginning. Since 40 years, the Biohof Stadler meets organic farming standards. Guests are very welcome to have a look!

40 years ago, Otto, the senior on the farm, decided to dare the transition from conventional to organic farming. Back then, people laughed at him in the local tavern when he said that he would go to Switzerland to learn more. But he kept his chin up and started the transition. Meanwhile, his son Thomas runs the farm with Regina, his wife. "We still absolutely support this decision. There’s not a single doubt. It’s our passion, to 100%", both agree. Regina didn’t grow up on a farm but in a rural settlement. She became a nursery school teacher. Her professional background turned out to be a great advantage. Now, she’s using her skills on the farm in the Mühlviertel region, Upper Austria - for the benefit of her guests.
Buying Locally Grown Food
The main economic activities on their organic farm are dairy farming, forestry and farm holidays. "Organic" is a lifestyle here. Every day. For young and old alike. When they go grocery shopping, the Stadler family buys locally grown food that meets sustainable production standards. They do without imported goods. "Even though I didn’t grow up on a farm, my mum has taught me a lot about agriculture", Regina says.
Let’s Embark on an Adventure - Will You Find the Treasure?
Farming - that’s something everyone here is passionate about. Guests are allowed to get active and pitch in. Or they can simply watch and learn. Regina’s motto: "We don’t keep secrets and we love to explain!" Regina wanted to find a way to give her guests an understanding of what organic farming really means. And she found it! On her farm, you can go on an "organic farming treasure hunt". Find out more about crop rotation, circular economy and organic agriculture. Different stops, information boards and riddles allow you to learn something new, about the feeding of cows, for example. The dwarves in the "forest of gnomes" can’t wait to play and entertain children. In the nearby forest bathing trail, you can immerse yourself in the forest atmosphere with all your senses. "Feel the soft moss beneath your feet, take in the scent of trees, ground yourself in the present moment, feel the breeze on your skin. Become fully aware of your surroundings. It’s all about the simple things in life. The journey is the reward", Regina tells us.
Forestry in Harmony with Nature
The farmers on the organic farm Biohof Stadler work in harmony with nature. That’s why their way of managing their forests is selection cutting. This means that only certain trees are cut, only in favourable phases of the moon, without large machinery. Sometimes, you can even spot Otto, the senior farmer, as he harnesses his two Noriker horses that transport the timber.
There won’t be a dull moment on the farm. Children can be creative in the kids’ workshop or pay the ponies a visit in the log cabin or on the pasture. On rainy days, there’s a large room with toys and plays. Thomas and Regina have created opportunities on their farm. Opportunities to get away from the daily routine and to focus on the genuine and authentic things in life. Look forward to moments of joy. They will make you come back here.